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Terms & Conditions

Let's cut to the chase with our casual nutshell terms and conditions. No boring jargon, just some essentials points:

  • In All following points or documents, 'Tapsale & Ren Tech Solution LLC' is referred to as 'We', 'Us', or 'TapRen' whereas the customer (a buyer who is placing PO) is referred to as 'You', 'buyer', or ' customer'.

  • Our priority is to deliver the best return on your investment while meeting your quality standards and ensuring customer satisfaction.

  • We are committed to upholding our four core values: IP protection, quality, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer service.

  • We aim to ship your order within 30 days of the Purchase Order (PO) and after receiving all necessary information/components.

  • If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We will provide honest answers and do everything possible to resolve any issues.


  • We serve customers within the USA. All our physical products (PCBA, Batteries, and custom cables) are manufactured in Asia (China, India, and Vietnam) or the USA by our trusted manufacturing partners.

  • To deliver the product to a USA company from Asia (China, India, and Vietnam), the customer will be responsible for paying tariff and/or customs duties unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. Those extra fees will be mentioned separately in the PO.

  • Prices are quoted in US Dollars; Taxes and Shipping Charges are extra as applicable.

  • Custom Quotes provided to you are only valid for 30 days unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by our representatives.

  • Payment terms are typically mentioned inside our Quotes. Our general payment requirement is that the customer deposit 70% of the total amount at the beginning within a week after PO and pay the rest 30% after production is finished. We arrange the shipment after receiving all the payments. These applied to all our customers unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by our representatives.

  • Prices shown on our quotes are based on information provided by the customer, required data like, Gerber files, BOM, specs for custom batter packs, specs for cable assembly, and associated instructional documents at the date of quotation/order. Any changes requested after placing an order, or any new details that emerge in a pending PO, may result in additional charges.

  • In short, the price quote is based on RFQ Data provided at the time of this Quote and is subject to change if Data has changed at the time of Order and/or during design execution.

  • The customer should not withhold payment for invoices for any reason, including unsatisfactory work or other factors. To address any concerns or issues, please refer to the Warranty Clauses provided at the end of each section in this document. Our aim is to ensure your satisfaction and resolve any potential issues in a timely manner.

  • The turn time indicated in the purchase order (PO) is determined in consultation with our manufacturers. We will inform you of any additional delays caused by business holidays (considering China's, India's or Vietnam's holiday schedule) or any other international events or disruptions in the shipping process which are not included in the turn time calculations. Please note that unforeseen events, such as international disruptions, are not typically factored into the general turn-time calculations.

  • Please note that orders placed "On Hold" awaiting customer response to resolve missing information or discrepancies may have additional turn days added.

  • We work hard to ensure that all your orders are shipped on time. There are occasions, however, when the freight carriers have delays and/or make shipment errors. We regret when this happens, but we cannot be responsible for delays by these carriers.

  • TapRen does not store, keep, or otherwise promise to inventory any parts unless agreed to in writing by both parties.

  • We will take every measure to deliver your product in mint condition. If the product (PCB, PCBA, Battery Pack, or Cable) is damaged during shipping, please do not use such a product. And immediately notify the TapRen officer after your observation/inspection. We will do everything in our power to make things correct.


    • TapRen expects high standards of integrity and conducts in all matters. True partnership with our clients is our main goal, supported by the following Code of Conduct:

    • Your concerns are our priority. We listen, take action, and escalate for timely resolution.

    • We value your feedback and strive to address any concerns promptly and effectively.

    • Our team of experts will provide you with honest responses. We do not promise what we can't deliver.

    • The information you share with us is treated as confidential. We will use it to better our partnership and serve your needs.



This limited warranty is governed by the laws of the State of Oregon.


TapRen warrants its bare boards against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 90 days from the date of shipment (“Warranty Period”). If a defect arises and a valid claim is received within the warranty period, TapRen will, at its option and to the extent permitted by law, for any bare boards that are returned and confirmed by TapRen to be non-conforming to the order specifications and/or the applicable quality and acceptability standards, either (I) replace the bare board at no charge or (II) issue a credit equal to the original purchase price of the bare board. When a product is exchanged, any replacement item becomes the customer’s property, and the replaced item becomes TapRen’ property. When a refund is given, the product for which the refund is provided must be returned to TapRen and becomes TapRen' property. TapRen will not accept liability for any cost in addition to the value of the bare boards, including but not limited to components, labor, business interruptions, and any other consequential damages or losses. TapRen disclaims any open-ended acceptance of liability for losses beyond its control.


If TapRen assembled the PCB, then we will include the cost of any components TapRen supplied and all labor that TapRen supplied with regard to replacing the assemblies or issuing a credit. All other limitations will still apply. Also, see the Assembly Warranty section below.


TapRen warrants to the customer that its customer battery packs shall be free from defects in material and workmanship and shall conform to any written mutually agreed upon specification for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of manufacture. Provided, however, that as a condition of these warranties, above mentioned products shall have been stored, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with recommendations and applied in accordance with standard industry practice. Products that are "engineering samples", are sold "AS IS", 'WITH ALL FAULTS", and with no warranty whatsoever.


This limited warranty does not apply to Products provided by TapRen:

  • To damage caused by use with non-TapRen products

  • To damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, flood, fire, earthquake, or other external causes

  • To damage caused by use of the product outside the permitted or intended uses described in the order specifications

  • To damage caused by service (including upgrades and expansions) performed by anyone who is not a representative of TapRen

  • To a product or part that has been modified to alter functionality or capability without the written permission of TapRen or

  • To cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches or dents, that does not otherwise affect the product’s functionality or materially impair it’s use.


To the extent permitted by law, this warranty and remedies set forth above are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, remedies, and conditions, whether oral or written, statutory, express or implied. As permitted by applicable law, TapRen specifically disclaims any and all statutory or implied warranties, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and warranties against hidden or latent defects. If any term of this warranty is held to be illegal or unenforceable, the legality or enforceability of the remaining terms shall not be affected or impaired. Except as provided in this warranty and to the extent permitted by law, TapRen is not responsible for direct, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any breach of warranty or condition, or under any other legal theory, including but not limited to loss of use; loss of revenue, loss of actual or anticipated profits (including loss of profits on contracts); loss of the use of money; loss of anticipated savings; loss of business; loss of opportunity; loss of goodwill; loss of reputation; loss of damage to or corruption of data; or any indirect or consequential loss or damage howsoever caused including the replacement of equipment and property, any costs of recovering, programming or reproducing any program or data stored or used with TapRen products. TapRen disclaims any representation that it will be able to make a product exchange without risk to or loss of programs or data. You must assist in diagnosing issues with your bare board and follow TapRen warranty processes.


While we cannot make any promises regarding what we might agree to in the future, we are committed to do whatever is reasonable to make right any problems we may have created for our customers.



  • Sale subject to limited warranty (details in Limited Warranty section above). Warranty extends only to bare PCBs and does not apply after components are added by you or others.

  • Our liability shall not exceed the price paid by you for the ordered PCBs. No change or addition to these terms, or any additional or different terms on your purchase order, shall be binding on us unless executed in writing by one of our officers.

  • Manufacturing Optimizations: As with most other PCB manufacturers, we may make simple optimizations to your design to ensure boards are manufactured correctly. Such changes do not affect the electrical functionality of your design.



  • We do not perform a full Design for Manufacturing (DFM) analysis nor identify all the issues when quoting. For turnkey quotes, components' availability varies daily; and we do not guarantee that all the components will be readily available at the time of order without any lead-time issues.

  • Requests to split the original order into multiple builds will be priced as per quoting guidelines.

  • If we ship your Assembly order in partial shipments, please note that all components and miscellaneous charges (for the whole lot) may be invoiced with the first partial shipment.

  • Our quotation does not include PCBA functional test. Given the instruction/guidance for the functional test, we will provide an additional quotation for the functional test at the cost of $10/hour.

  • Canceled Orders: In general, you are liable for the cost of parts that have been purchased and expenses that have been incurred before canceling an order.

  • Order Cancellation Charges.

    •  Assembly Labor Cancellation Charges (after the order has been released): The cancellation charge will be determined by the percentage of labor performed before the cancellation date, with a minimum of $200.

    • Turn-Key Component Cancellation Charges (after the order has been released): The customer will pay 100% of components costs for components purchased by TapRen before the cancellation date. This will include any shipping, kit-auditing, and handling costs as applicable. All such components will be sent to the Customer if requested.

    • The customer agrees to pay all cancellation charges included in the order's cancellation.

  • Component Shortages:

    • Consigned Parts Shortage: If, regardless of shortage, the customer has asked us to proceed to the assembly phase, and if the customer does not send or ship the parts to us within 10 days of starting the order, then we will complete all assemblies with whatever components were consigned to us, and all assemblies (including shortage assemblies) will be shipped and invoiced as per order, and the order would be deemed to be completed. Subsequently, if the customer ships the shortage assemblies with the shortage parts to us for rework, such rework assembly would be performed by TapRen either at no charge or at a suitable rework charge to be determined by TapRen

    • Turnkey Parts Shortage: Where it is known that some parts cannot be quickly procured due to unavailability or long lead times, or other reasons, and the customer specifically asks us to start the job nevertheless, such assemblies (including shortage assemblies) will be shipped and invoiced as per order, and the order would be deemed to be completed. When TapRen receives the ordered long-lead-time components, the customer may EITHER elect to ship those parts shipped to them (in which case no additional rework is involved); OR the customer may send the shortage assemblies BACK to TapRen for completion rework (Rework & Re-Shipping charges will apply).

  • Completeness of Assembly Data: It is the customer’s responsibility to provide complete and correct assembly data, BOM in Excel spreadsheet, Assembly Gerbers, assembly drawings, Special instructions, if any, and XY Pick and Place Data for SMT parts. If the customer is unable to provide correct XY Data, additional charges will apply.

  • Discrepancy in Data: The customer is responsible for providing consistent data with no discrepancy in information. TapRen tries to identify any discrepancies in customer data but will not be responsible if some discrepancy is not caught. Any issues caused due to such discrepancy in customer data is solely the customer’s responsibility.

  • SPECIAL NOTE about substituting un-available passive components:

    • For non-ITAR / EAR Controlled Orders: In case of non-availability of specific passive components in your BOM, TapRen will use a direct replacement (Form, Fit, and Function Alternate) which either matches or is better on tolerance & other specifications. This is a common practice in the Assembly industry, and for all online orders, we substitute the unavailable passives if needed.

    • For Custom Orders Only: If you do not want such substitutions of passive components to be made without approval, you must explicitly say so in the header section of your BOM and also on your PO. Furthermore, when placing your custom order, you must inform your salesperson that you want to approve every substitution.

    • For ITAR / EAR Controlled Orders (whether online or custom): We will ALWAYS get customer approval before making ANY such substitutions.

  • DFM & DFA:

    • Once your order is received, it may go through a quick Design for Manufacturing (DFM) and Design for Assembly (DFA) analysis, to prevent any holds during manufacturing and assembly. If we find any issues, these must be resolved promptly. We will contact you by phone/email as needed.

    • We cannot start manufacturing/assembly if such issues are unresolved. An unreasonable delay in resolving issues may push out your delivery date accordingly.


    • We warrant each assembly for workmanship up to 30 days after shipment. In case of any unsatisfactory assembly workmanship, we will repair the assembly free of charge OR credit the quoted cost of the assembly labor at our sole discretion. Any modifications done to the assemblies by the customer will nullify our warranties.

    • This warranty is also nullified on products that have been subject to misuse (including static discharge), neglect, or accident or altered by you and are incapable of being tested.

    • TapRen is not responsible for any damage or lack of functionality caused by defective design, components, or PCBs provided by you or as a result of deficiencies in the electronic materials provided by you.

    • LIMITED LIABILITY-I: We are not liable for rework, repair, or replacement of any faulty components supplied to us by the customer or purchased by us from customer-provided vendors in accordance with customer-supplied BOMs.

    • LIMITED LIABILITY-II: We are neither responsible nor liable for assembled boards found non-functioning during testing by the customer; we are only responsible for assembly workmanship performed as per customer-supplied data.

    • LIMITED LIABILITY-III: In no case shall our liability exceed the price charged to you for the job performed by us. We are not liable for any assemblies beyond 60 days after shipment.

    • NO OTHER WARRANTY: We give no other warranty, either expressed or implied, and we specifically disclaim all other warranties, including warranties for merchantability and fitness.



  • Schematics & Other Design Data:

    • For layout design jobs, the customer must provide complete and correct data – schematics, BOM with manufacturer part numbers/part specs. PCB size, thickness & other mechanical information, and/or drawings, Special instructions, if any, for placement of specific and critical parts (like connectors, for example).

    • We prefer that the customer provide the schematics in ORCAD, DSN format, or some other CAD format mutually agreed upon. If the customer cannot provide the schematics in an agreed CAD format and only provides schematics in PDF or a paper hard copy, there will be an additional charge for capturing the schematics into our CAD system. The charges for such schematics capture will be determined by us and mutually agreed upon before starting the design work.

    • The customer should provide a BOM, preferably in EXCEL spreadsheet format. The BOM should have manufacturer complete part numbers for all components (a must for all ICs, connectors, Semiconductor devices, and inductors, etc.) except possibly for generic discrete resistors & capacitors where complete specs should be provided.  The customer’s responsibility to ensure all components used in the design are available and not obsolete. If the customer wants us to find alternate parts or do some degree of component engineering, we would do that at a suitable charge, to be determined and agreed upon by the customer.

    • The customer must provide other relevant design information like preferred PCB size and thickness, preferred PCB material, PCB name and markings to be put in silkscreen and/or copper etch, mounting holes data and location, if any, type of PCB finish (HAL, ENIG, GOLD, Immersion Silver, etc., and ROHS compatible or not),  solder mask color, silkscreen color, etc.

    • Customers must provide any special routing rules or guides during RFQ itself since these influence the design time and, therefore, the design cost.

  • Design Data Review:

    • We will review all the customer design data files upon receipt of the Purchase order. It is expected that this data should not be different from the one that was quoted. If we find that the data changes at the time of PO are nontrivial and considerable, we reserve the right to REQUOTE the design as per new data.

    • Similarly, ECOs or change requests received after the QUOTE or PO will be examined by us for their impact on cost and schedule; and the changes in Price and/or schedules will be conveyed to and agreed upon by the customer by way of suitable amendment/s to their PO on us.

  • Delivery Time: The delivery time for design is the best estimate and is subject to change. It does not include the time waiting for customer clarifications/approvals/reviews of in-process work/queries/issues etc.

  • Order Cancellation :

    • Any advance received at the start of the design is non-refundable.

    • The customer shall pay for the time already spent on the design work. This shall be determined by working with the customer.

    • An order cancellation fee of $200 will be charged in addition to the above as applicable.

    • All the work done so far shall be given to the customer after we receive all payments.

    • The customer agrees to pay all cancellation charges included in the order's cancellation.

  • Design Start Time: After we have received the PO and advance payment as per the terms of the Quote, it may take 1 to 3 days for the design to start. This depends on the availability of design resources at the time of PO. Any delay in start time shall be conveyed to the customer.

  • Design Hold Time: Any design issue encountered during design that makes it impossible to continue the design or slows down the design process unless customer clarifications resolve the issue/inputs will add extra time for the design completion than stipulated in the quote and/or PO. Its impact on cost will also be analyzed and handled as described in the Design Data review above.

  • Review of In-Process Work: At regular intervals (daily or alternate days or biweekly or weekly – as per agreed with the customer) or on the occurrence of certain milestones (like completion of the placement, completion of routing, etc.) the design work-in-progress will be sent to the customer for review and feedback. The customer is expected to review the work and convey feedback as soon as possible to avoid any significant increase in completion time.

  • Complete Design Data: On Design completion, the Design Gerbers and design pdfs, including PCB fabrication drawing and PCB assembly (Solder paste layers & component placement XY data), will be sent to the customer electronically via email or any other agreed media. The customer must convey feedback for any changes within 3 working days. Otherwise, the design work would be deemed to have been completed and delivered.


    • LIMITED LIABILITY – I: We are not liable for any unavailable or obsolete components the customer chose in their design data supplied to us. We are also not responsible for any errors in the schematics data supplied to us.

    • LIMITED LIABILITY – II: We are neither responsible nor liable for any issues in boards that have been manufactured as per our design work.

    • NO OTHER WARRANTY: We give no other warranty, either expressed or implied, and specifically disclaim all other warranties, including warranties for merchantability and fitness.

  • PCB Design Support: TapRen offers PCB design support but does not own or design the PCB product design itself. All IPs will belong to the customer after delivery.



  • Completeness of Battery Packaging Data: It is the customer’s responsibility to provide complete and correct data, discharging current, its capacity, battery chemistry, voltage-current requirements, operating temperature, and battery dimension or custom shape requirements or any special instructions.

  • Discrepancy in data: The customer is responsible for providing consistent data with no discrepancy in information. TapRen tries to identify any discrepancies in customer data but will not be responsible if some discrepancy is not caught. Any issues caused due to such discrepancy in customer data is solely the customer’s responsibility.

  • Testing: We conduct thorough testing and provide the customer with testing reports for verification before shipping. But we recommend our customers do testing before using a battery pack inside their product/unit. And make sure the battery operates as per the specs. We are not responsible for customer product failure because of battery issues.  Please check the Limited Warranty Details above.

  • Canceled Orders:  Once the manufacturing process of custom battery packs has commenced, cancellation of the order is not possible. We strive to minimize any losses to our customers in this scenario. However, if battery pack manufacturing has not yet begun, cancellation is possible, and we will refund the payment after deducting the $200 cancellation fee. The customer agrees to pay all cancellation charges included in the order's cancellation.

  • Shipping: Because of the limitation of air shipping, we ship our battery packs via Sea freight only. And the shipping time will be estimated at the time of PO. 


    • We warrant each battery pack for workmanship up to twelve (12) months from the date of manufacture. In case of any unsatisfactory battery pack workmanship, we will repair it/them free of charge OR credit the quoted cost of the battery packs at our sole discretion. Any modifications done to the battery packs by the customer will nullify our warranties.

    • This warranty is also nullified on products subject to misuse (including static discharge), high voltage stress, operating conditions outside the design scope, neglect, or accident or altered by you and incapable of being tested.

    • TapRen is not responsible for any damage or lack of functionality caused by defective battery management system (BMS) design, components, or custom BMS system provided by you (the customer) or as a result of deficiencies in the electronic materials provided by you.

    • Physical Damage During Shipping: If you found a physically damaged battery pack during the shipping, Do Not use it in your final product. It may cause a short circuit or fire hazard. In such a case, immediately inform the TapRen officer, and we will replace your battery pack or issue a refund.

    • Tampering with battery operating conditions or operating battery packs outside given design specs at the time of manufacturing may cause a short circuit or fire hazard. Any such case will nullify our warranties.

    • NO OTHER WARRANTY: We give no other warranty, either expressed or implied, and we specifically disclaim all other warranties, including warranties for merchantability and fitness.



  • No change or addition to these terms above, or any additional or different terms on your purchase order, shall be binding on us unless executed in writing by one of our officers.

  • Taxes: All prices exclude all present or future federal, state, and local excise, sales, use, value-added, and similar taxes. The customer shall pay these taxes, or the customer shall provide TapRen with a tax exemption certificate, which TapRen, in its sole and absolute discretion, finds acceptable.

  • Payment: Unless TapRen has extended credit to the customer. The customer shall pay TapRen by Cash, Credit Card, Wire Transfer, or Sight Draft within 30 days from the date of PO/invoice. Should TapRen elect to extend credit to Buyer, payment balances over 30 days will be subject to 2% Monthly finance charge. TapRen reserves the right to change the amount of or withdraw any credit extended to the customer. Each shipment shall be considered a separate and independent transaction, and payment therefore shall be made accordingly. The customer shall be liable for all collection costs (including attorney's fees) incurred by TapRen in connection with past-due payments.

  • Force MAJEURE: TapRen shall not be liable for delay or failure to deliver or perform due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, or for Acts of God, acts of any governmental authority, strikes or other labor disturbances, delays in transportation, fuel or energy shortages, or inability to obtain necessary materials, components, services, or facilities from usual sources.

  • Delays: TapRen shall not be liable for any loss or damages resulting from any shipping delay, whether or not TapRen agrees to a specific shipping date.

  • Indemnification: The customer (you) agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold TapRen (us) harmless, including our subsidiaries, affiliates, and all of our respective officers, agents, partners, and employees, from and against any loss, damage, liability, claim, or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses, made by any third party due to or arising out of: (1) use of the Services; (2) breach of these Legal Terms; (3) any breach of your representations and warranties outlined in these Legal Terms; (4) your violation of the rights of a third party, including but not limited to intellectual property rights; or (5) any overt harmful act toward any other user of the Services with whom you connected via the Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we reserve the right, at your expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify us, and you agree to cooperate, at your expense, with our defense of such claims. We will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any such claim, action, or proceeding which is subject to this indemnification upon becoming aware of it.

  • Electronic Communications, Transactions, and Signatures: Visiting the Services, sending us emails, and completing online forms constitute electronic communications. The customer consents to receive electronic communications, and the customer agrees that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications TapRen provide to the customer electronically, via email, and on the Services, satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing. THE CUSTOMER HEREBY AGREES TO THE USE OF ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES, CONTRACTS, ORDERS, AND OTHER RECORDS, AND TO THE ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF NOTICES, POLICIES, AND RECORDS OF TRANSACTIONS INITIATED OR COMPLETED BY US OR VIA THE SERVICES. The customer hereby waives any rights or requirements under any statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, or other laws in any jurisdiction which require an original signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic records, or to payments or the granting of credits by any means other than electronic means.

  • Copyright: All Web site design, text, graphics, and the selection and arrangement thereof are Copyright of TapRen All rights reserved, or in the case of product material, all text and graphics are Copyright by the original owner. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy electronically and to print in hard copy portions of this Web site for the sole purpose of using this Web site as an information resource (or of ordering goods or services and using this site as a shopping resource). Any other use of materials on this Web site, including reproduction for the purposes other than noted above, modification, distribution, or reproduction without the prior written permission of TapRen, is prohibited.

  • Dispute Resolution:

    • If a dispute arises from or relates to TapRen services, contract or the breach thereof, and if the dispute cannot be settled through direct discussions, the parties agree to endeavor first to settle the dispute by mediation administered by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) under its Commercial Mediation Procedures before resorting to arbitration.

    • Informal Negotiations: To efficiently resolve any disputes related to these Legal Terms, both Parties agree to attempt informal negotiations for a minimum of 60 days before initiating arbitration, starting with written notice from one Party to the other.

    • Binding Arbitration: The parties agree that any unresolved controversy or claim arising out of or relating to TapRen services, contract, or breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

    • Restrictions: The arbitration shall be limited to the individual Dispute between the Parties, and there shall be no class-action arbitration or representative capacity for any Dispute.

    • Exceptions: Certain Disputes, such as those involving intellectual property rights, theft, privacy, or injunctive relief, are exempt from the informal negotiations and arbitration process.

    • Note: In the event that any provision of this agreement is found to be illegal or unenforceable, the Parties agree to submit the Dispute to a court of competent jurisdiction as specified above.

  • By submitting a Purchase Order or placing an order on our website, you agree to be bound by TapRen’s Terms and Conditions stated herein. Unless other Terms and Conditions have been agreed upon and signed by an Officer of TapRen, these Terms and Conditions supersede all other Terms and Conditions suggesting additional or different terms.

  • TapRen reserves the right to change or update these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. The revised Terms and Conditions shall be posted on this website immediately if any changes are made.


TapRen Tech Solutions


Phone: +1 (855) 544-9352

Mailing Address:

2850 SW Cedar Hills Blvd,

PO Box 22, Beaverton, OR 97005

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